
O Serasa Consumer is an essential tool for conscious consumers who want to monitor and control their financial situation.

It plays a crucial role in providing relevant information about the credit history and financial behavior of individuals.

 Understanding how this platform operates is critical to ensuring solid financial health and making smart decisions about credit and financing.


Main objectives of Serasa Consumidor

O Serasa Consumer has a series of objectives that aim to benefit both consumers and financial institutions. Among these objectives are:

  • Provide accurate and up-to-date information about consumers’ financial situation;
  • Facilitate access to credit for those who have a positive financial history;
  • Reduce defaults and financial risks for creditor institutions;
  • Empower consumers with knowledge about their credit status and personal finances.

Serasa’s crucial role in the financial scenario

Serasa Consumidor is a financial institution that plays a crucial role in the economic scenario, providing valuable information about the financial health of consumers.

 Founded decades ago, Serasa is one of the largest and most respected credit analysis companies in Brazil.

Its role is to organize and make available data on the credit history and financial behavior of citizens, assisting financial institutions in making decisions about granting credit and loans.


Serasa Consumidor overview

Serasa Consumidor offers a comprehensive set of services to help consumers understand and manage their finances.

Its main highlight is the Credit Score, an assessment that reflects an individual's reliability in meeting their financial obligations.

In addition, Serasa provides detailed credit reports, suspicious activity alerts and tools to monitor your financial situation.

The importance of Serasa for consumers

For consumers, Serasa is a valuable tool for making informed financial decisions.

By accessing accurate information about your financial situation, you can identify opportunities for improvement, understand how financial institutions view your credit profile, and take steps to achieve long-term financial goals.

Understanding the Credit Score. What is the Credit Score

The Credit Score is a numerical score that ranges from 0 to 1000, representing the probability of a consumer meeting their financial obligations in the next 12 months.


The higher the evaluation, the greater the confidence of financial institutions in granting credit to consumers.

This score is based on a number of factors, including transaction history, outstanding debts, credit history and new credit occurrences.

Factors that affect Credit Score

Several factors impact a consumer's Credit Score.

These include the history of timely payments, the length of time you have used credit, the amount of outstanding debt and the variety of types of credit used.

 Maintaining a good payment history, without delays, and using credit responsibly are fundamental practices to increase this score.

How to check your Credit Score

To check their Credit Score, consumers can access Serasa Consumidor and request a free credit report.

The report will detail the current assessment as well as information on the factors influencing it.

It is important to review the report periodically to identify possible errors or inconsistencies and, if necessary, take action to correct them.

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